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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


In the space provided and in the next five minutes, write three long terms goals. This process is to exercise your goal setting "muscles". You'll want to rewrite and modify them, but do this now...even if you have already set your goals.



Now select one long-term goal and break it down into three short term goals:



Continue to break down your other long term goals in the same manner.

Now let your goals "cool" and then review your list. Your next step? Finish reading this chapter before you finalize your goals. Then activate your small goals to accomplish your long term goals.

The Power Play way to set goals is to spotlight people. Consequently, look for information and opportunities through other people. By using inanimate sources such as the Yellow Pages to do this, you miss out on the powerful people" process that brings personal recommendations and shared experiences. By using this method you can get a personal referral and recommendation. With people information, you can make an informed decision.

Tony Nickels, in financial planning in Orange County, California, makes a ritual out of the goal setting process. She turns on the answering machine so there are no interruptions. She cooks a gourmet meal, selects a fine wine and writes her goals in an evening devoted to her own ambitions and desires. "Sitting in front of the fire, in my PJ's, I count my blessings and plan my future. Business is good, I feel fortunate, and I know exactly where I'm going."

As a people person, I've found bouncing ideas off another helps clarify my thoughts. If you choose to exchange information on your goals with someone else, select a person whose opinion you value. For example you might talk about your goals to your spouse, your CPA, or a business associate. Children can be amazingly frank, so don't overlook their input.

Don't allow others to discourage you and your goals; not everyone is motivated, optimistic and forward thinking. No input is more desirable than negative input.

Remember what Mark Twain said if you experience any negative feedback from others:

"Keep away from people who try to belittle our ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Do you have any unusual ways of planning your goals? Please add a comment!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Finding Leads For Fellow Members

Outside the meeting time, you may want to:

  1. Keep your business cardholder with you
  2. keep your business cardholder filled with the current members' cards
  3. See yourself as a resource for connecting mypersonal clients with other Chapter members
  4. Think through your client list and contact people each week BEFORE you come to the meeting to see who would be a potential lead
  5. Set aside time each week as part of my regular routine togo through my cardholder and think about leads for members

How do you find leads for your fellow members? Please share your comments!

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