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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Are you a salesperson or a relationship builder?

We have only one opportunity to make a good first impression. In business networking, this first impression begins with our 30-second promotional - the verbal advantage. This 30-second
promotional, also know as our elevator speech, has three key elements:
  1. Who you are?
  2. What do you do?
  3. What is a good lead for you?
You must be able to answer these questions in order to create a successful 30-second promotional.

Who you are?
When you ask yourself this question, what replies do you hear? Are you an honest person? Do you choose to help people? Are you doing what you love? When you answer these questions, you will find the true response to "Who am I?" If you can answer, "Yes, I am in a career that truly allows me to be who I am," you've made a great start to creating a successful 30-second promotional. If you are not in a business that allows you to live your own personal integrity, then stop here and reevaluate your situation.

What do you do?
How do you describe yourself in business? Are you a salesperson or a relationship builder? If you are a chiropractor, do you just move bones or do you educate people about wellness? If you are in real estate, do you buy and sell houses or do help make dreams come true? Look beyond the obvious when answering this second question. Search for the higher reason as to why you do what you do. Finding this true purpose means that you have completed the second stage of a successful 30-second promotional.

What is a good lead for you?
To complete your promotional you need to define what type of individual or business will help your business grow. Make a list of clients, starting with your most successful, ending with your least. Then, list different types of business contacts who might know your most successful clients. When talking with prospects ask them for a direct referral, or if they know anyone who might have relationships with the type of client you seek.

Networking is about creating relationships. Don't disregard a contact because he or she doesn't need your product personally and immediately. Over time they may know someone who will. This third aspect of the 30-second promotional keeps you talking and interacting, remembering to ask who might be interacting with the clients that you need.

Thirty seconds is not a long time to make that dynamic first impression. Take the time to perfect your 30-second promotional and I promise that during future encounters you'll look and feel like the true professional you are.

Article by Jo Mittiga, Executive Director

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How Do You Acquire Leads To Give?

  • Go somewhere everyday. Choose activities that you enjoy. A sport, hobby, the gym, volunteer effort, spiritual/religious group, or family activities.
  • Become known as the Referral Source (when someone needs someone or something they know to contact you because you have a large network of people you know and trust).
  • Have a genuine desire to help people, your potential new business friends
  • Create an opportunity that allows you to reconnect with people you meet. Send them the name of someone or something that is useful to them. This allows you to acquire their contact information and follow up.
  • Spend 80% of your time with the most active and responsive 20% of your connections file.
  • Network wisely. Choose only one in each of the following categories: Weekly networking group, monthly group and industry association. More is not better because in order to really benefit from your affiliations you must participate. Participate on the board or team of at least one of your groups at all times. This allows you to meet the Members quicker and better.
  • Plan an annual event for your clients and contacts. This can be done by hosting a Leads Club Mixer and introducing your networks to each other. Chose a time of year that corresponds with your businesses peak activity in a complimentary way. If you are a CPA, host a function in time for clients to do tax planning. If you have gift items, Oct. or Nov. are great months.
  • Have a minimum of three pieces of follow up material that you send out automatically to the new people you meet. In addition, have a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly piece to send to your complete contact list. This can be a newsletter, tips sheet, useful seasonal information relating to your industry. Specials, contests, gifts and bonuses are a great reason to re-connect.

The bottom line when considering an idea is this: Will it provide a beneļ¬t to the recipient? Remember, what you put out you get back. A smile and a sincere desire to help your fellow human beings is felt before you even say a word.
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