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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tips On Telephone Manners

Are you guilty of telephone abuse? Answer yes or no:

  1. Is the phone answered after the second ring either by you or a machine?
  2. Do you answer the phone by identifying yourself (or your company name if appropriate)?
  3. When you must put a client on hold, do you get back to the caller within 30 seconds?
  4. Do you give the caller the option of being called back instead of being placed on hold?
  5. Do you return your calls promptly?
  6. When calling, do you pre-plan what you'll say, making notes to optimize your time on the phone?
  7. Do you have a prepared message to leave should you reach a machine and not your caller?
  8. If you leave a message, do you offer a time that's best for getting back to you?
  9. When leaving a message, do you speak clearly and slowly especially when you're giving your telephone number?
  10. When speaking to a caller, do you smile and concentrate on "seeing" the caller as if you're talking in person?

If you answered "no" to any two of the above questions, you are convicted of telephone abuse in the first degree!

The telephone is the most powerful tool in your office.

Polish your telephone skills. Use the quiz as a list of ten suggestions to improve your telephone know-how. Use the telephone to your advantage to network and connect with new clients and contacts, reconnect with those you've met and in your network, and to increase your business.

Here are a couple of tips:

  • Place a mirror in front of you when you're on the phone to monitor your facial expressions.
  • Record your voice. Would you enjoy a conversation with someone who sounds like you?
  • Slow down your rate of speech and lower your voice slightly.
  • Spell your name, street name and city if you're giving instructions.
  • Repeat instructions or the order. Make notes so that you can follow through. You'll be considered dependable.
  • Always return calls promptly. If you can't provide the information requested, be frank and polite.
  • When you design your answering machine message, take care to speak clearly, speak warmly and provide enough information so your caller can leave a message that makes sense.

Los Angeles travel agent Heather DuValle, whose company specializes in senior tours now laughs about the recorded message on the company answering machine when she bought the business. But it wasn't always so funny.

"There was a two minute monologue of the upcoming trips that droned on and on. Then the caller only had 30 seconds to leave a message. I'd say half of our callers who got the machine hung up before the message finished playing. How could I blame them? I would have too. You can bet that changed immediately. Who can afford to turn off clients? The message we're using now is inviting as well as effective."

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