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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The 10 Minute Presentation

What is the most effective use of time for the 10 minute presentation? What happens if you don't use your time effectively?

How do you ask for you time on your 10 minute presentation? One suggestion would be to ask for 8 minutes and then 2 minutes for questions.

Let us know what you've found to be successful strategies for your 10 minute presentation. Just add your comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ten minute presentations are very important to my business. As a Toastmaster, I appreciate that I can speak to my Leads Club Chapter every few weeks. This gives me the opportunity to strengthen my "marketing" pitch. Because of my experience with Toastmasters, I can really appreciate the structure of the Leads Club meeeting. Unlike other organizations who mistakenly believe they provide a Toast Master like environment, I KNOW Leads Club provides that environment. It's Leads Club's quality meetings that's responsible for the growth of my business.

10:26 AM  

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