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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Monday, April 18, 2005


Leads Club members, guests and the public are invied to join us for an evening of networking. Fine food, drinks, awards and door prizes. Bring your business cards and promotional material for the networking table. Also, sign up to donate a door prize!

TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, 2005

6:00 to 9:00pm

Karl Strauss Brewery

9675 Scranton Road

Sorrento Mesa, CA

$30 at the door!

Leads Club is dedicated to the success of the small business owner and professional. This is your chance to meet other professional in an exciting networking environment. Leads Club has been around for 27 years now. They were the first and, of course, are the premier networking group in the country.

Prizes will be awarded for the SPRING themed Hat that:

  • Is the Most Original
  • Best Shows your Business in the SPRING theme


Blogger ScopeOfVision said...

Please don't get discouraged from posting to your blog, because you have the impression that no one is reading it. I am.

Perhaps, a follow-up posting about how it went and what there is to look forward to in the future would fit in.

Thanks, Vito V

2:41 PM  

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