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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Always Plan To Leave Any Business Gathering With A Minimum of Two New Networking Contacts

Some say using the Power Plays of Focused Networking are "the only way for business people to think!"

At Leads Club, we say this form of networking is a way of "providing an effective means to increase your business."

Who is successful at making connections that increase business?
It's the person who:

  • makes a connection
  • builds trust
  • lets needs be known
  • values leads
  • follows through
  • follows up
  • gives recognition and thanks
  • finds out how other can be helped

Think of your network as an ever expanding universe of links, alliances and ties. I'm a visual person, I think of my network as an interrelated highway system. At each junction are acquaintances, friends and professional associates who can call on me and to whom I can call for help, information, idea exchange, business opportunities, social experiences. The best way to maintain and extend your Focused Network is to:

  • stay active with networking efforts
  • be visible
  • reconnect with those you've met
  • find ways to become trusted and valued in other networks
  • put out quality leads and referrals, and that's what you'll get back

Leads Club would like to help you expand sphere of influence. Join us on May 9, 2006 at at Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery from 6pm to 8:30pm for a networking extravaganza, our Spring Fling.


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