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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Monday, January 16, 2006


Getting the most out of any professional association
is like anything else in life - you're going to get out
of it as much as you put into it. Here are four easy
steps that you can use as guidelines to ensure that
your membership is a success.

Step 1
Establish Objectives

Really think about what you are trying to accomplish
by being a member. Is this about growing your
business and truly a professional objective? Read
the member handbook and then outline a plan.
Ask yourself how you are going to spend your 10
minute promotional and identify the objectives you
want to achieve during that time. Each time you
attend a meeting, have those objectives in the back
of your mind.

Step 2
Analyze What Other Opportunities Leads
Club has to offer in getting the most out of your
relationships with other businesses in your chapter

Do you read the newsletters, listen to Chapter
Consultant talks, visit the websites, attend tele-classes,
attend workshops or visit one-on-one with other

Step 3
Make a commitment

Get involved; don't simply attend meetings. Become
more active by moving forward and personally helping
the organization achieve its mission. This way you
will work with others and be on track to achieving
those initial objectives.

Step 4
Continually evaluate

Take the time to review your objectives every six
months. You may want to re-evaluate your outline
and determine where your focus is. How much time
do you have, and where should you be focusing that time
in order to accomplish your objectives.


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