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Ali Lassen's Leads Club Blog

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Increasing The Benefits of My Own Advertising

During your 30 second promotions, you'll need to:

  • think about what you are going to say and plan it ahead of time
  • take advantage - use ALL 30 seconds
  • ask other member show you can better advertise
  • tell other members where they can get leads for you and what to listen for
  • spotlight a different aspect of your business each week
  • give cost of service/product
  • change it to make it more effective

During your 8-10 minute talk, you need to:

  • clearly describe what your business is
  • tell why you're good at what you do
  • tell why members should refer people to you instead of someone else who does what you do
  • teach members how to advertise for you
  • give handouts, discounts, and specials
  • give inside information to help other members
  • ask members what they learned from your talk
  • leave time for questions

Use this check list to assist you at your first few meetings. Thereafter, refer to it frequently. We suggest that you check it over weekly during your fist 3 months of membership. After that, a monthly refresher is advised.


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